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A message to our patients

Posted by Eqphysio on 19 March 2020


Equilibrium Physiotherapy sincerely values the health and wellbeing of our employees, patients and community.

We are currently open as usual, however as this is a constantly evolving situation, we are regularly trying to keep up to date with the advice and precautions recommended by our government and health authorities.

What are we doing for you?
- Providing hand sanitizer
- There will be no more than 10 people in the clinic at any one time
- Providing hospital grade disinfectant wipes for all surfaces and equipment
- Enhancing our cleaning routine throughout the clinic

What can you do for us?
- If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your appointment
- Reduce physical contact with others as much as possible
- Alert us ASAP if you test positive to COVID-19



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