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Tradies National Health Month

Posted by Kim on 3 August 2018
Tradies National Health Month
What is it about a Tradesman and their Back? I am yet to meet a Tradie who has not suffered with back pain some time in their working life.
Let's think about it, long days of: ...
Posted in:Tradies  

3 Things to Improve Axillary Web Syndrome

Posted by Eqphysio on 20 July 2018
3 Things to Improve Axillary Web Syndrome
Axillary web syndrome (AWS), also known as cording can develop as a side affect of lymph nodes surgery such as sentinel node biopsy or axillary lymph node dissection. These types of surgeries ar...
Posted in:Cancer  

What is Vertigo?

Posted by Eqphysio on 13 July 2018
What is Vertigo?
Did you know 80% of people aged 65 and over have experienced vertigo? Vertigo is a type of dizziness that is often described as a feeling that you are spinning or that the world is spinning ...
Posted in:Vertigo  

Getting your body back into balance

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Our physiotherapists are trained to recognise, assess and treat patients that are suffering from vertigo from a vestibular origin such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuronitis/labyrinthitis and following acoustic neuroma resection.

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